
Dernière Publication

Editorial Reviews

Musical Mosaic: A Journey through Music: A Memoir

Follow a multi-faceted journey by an improviser and a musicosopher, Eric Antoni, from the cobbled streets of Paris to the Far East. Musical Mosaic lays coherent excursus of the author’s thought-provoking collection of anecdotes. With the absence of lengthy verbiage of a political-social-economic nature, the book is full of compassionate truthful descriptions of persons and experiences and […]

Dernière Publication

Editorial Reviews

Musical Mosaic: A Journey through Music: A Memoir

Follow a multi-faceted journey by an improviser and a musicosopher, Eric Antoni, from the cobbled streets of Paris to the Far East. Musical Mosaic lays coherent excursus of the author’s thought-provoking collection of anecdotes. With the absence of lengthy verbiage of a political-social-economic nature, the book is full of compassionate truthful descriptions of persons and experiences and […]

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Musical Mosaic: A Journey through Music: A Memoir

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